Never feeling good enough is something I always struggle with, always doubting myself and feeling like I can't achieve anything...does that ring a bell to you? I swear this has got worse as I get older, I know why it started and I need to learn to accept I am good enough.
So below are images that have been taken of me, and I instantly criticise myself from my hair to my figure to my teeth to my skin, I want to train my brain away from that.

Society has built this image of "perfection" and the pressure to be "perfect" has never been so difficult, with Instagram showing the pretty pictures, the pretty faces and must have items that we all wish we had. When I was younger all that people started to use was acrylic nails, though not many had them, not much makeup and that was it! No fake tan, fake lashes, hair extensions, the desire to have straight white teeth, or a specific way to apply makeup we just did not have that kind of pressure.

I wonder what started this? I wonder how we got to this point? Its got to a point where such young girls are already wearing acrylic nails, hair extensions and on an extreme diet to be a certain size, if that is what they want to do then I have no right to say its wrong, I just want children to be children and for people to feel comfortable with who they are and with how pretty they naturally are without thinking they need to do all these things to be what they feel would be good enough.

Even at my age the pressures to look young is unreal, its so hard to feel that you look okay for your age and the pressure to be "youthful" and to be wrinkle free, cellulite free is getting to a point where its making people feel they aren't "good enough". I want my children to grow up where "perfection" is whatever you feel happy with, to feel that you are good enough, you are beautiful, this will be hard with the pressure from peers and society but somehow I want to make sure I teach them this.

How do you cope with the pressure of not being good enough? What do you do to make yourselves feel worthy?
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